Friday, December 27, 2013


note the nodes
they fly in rows
accept my eyes
exempt my nose
the tales that show
they tell me what to know
...and where to go...
lost in constant flow...

time does not exist
for those who can not change
who am i to say normal
when i am feeling so damn strange

the key to life
a happy knife
let go right?
and do not fight

the feelings go by
pass right in time
sour expressions fade
as you suck your lime and smile
lost for an eternity
but found in just a while
then stuck in line and file

hello my friend
where have you come from?
you speak in strange words
unfamiliar silver tongue
from the depths you come
and soon
you will go on back home

i hope you will be my friend
i hope you will be my friend
i hope we can be friends...

Sunday, December 22, 2013


fall the leaves plopping into the water with a splash too heavy for them
the sands of time and all i know fading in front of me and away
too many people talking at the same time makes me hear nothing
trying my best does nothing when they don't care what they say anyway
so saturated my thoughts have become lately
longing to be wrung out and have the liquid inside harvested
i know these people thirst, why do they not drink?
i know these people thirst, so dammit why do they not drink?
maybe i'm just in over my head
maybe i'm just overplaying these peoples problems
maybe i'm supposed to just observe
maybe i'm supposed to let them complain
maybe it's time to log out from these problems
maybe it's time for me to take care of me
maybe... is all i have

theres no place like Xanth

It has been a while since my last post. I assure you it is through an excess of happenings as opposed to a lack. I have lived and worked at two farms, met amazing people and now have a beautiful puppy. For the past couple months I have been floating around florida. It's warm here but the local people are strange, the bugs are feirce and the weather is stranger than Vermont's. I can't wait for the end of winter. As far as living on the road I have learned that it is as easy as you make it. As long as you have the right mind set it is far better, in my opinion, than living the "American dream". You don't need a car, you don't need a cell phone, you don't need a house. You need to be comfortable with yourself. if those things help, then sure go for it! Just keep in mind that they are a luxury, they are not necessity and you are in good fortune to have them. I plan to be in florida for too long, once I break out of florida I will be a happy happy camper.