Tuesday, March 29, 2011

reality is relative

reach inside my heart
pull out the charred remains
this old wick has burned out
survived all his growing pains

this life
the one you're accustomed to
so intricate and fragile
is nothing more than a lie
a patsy
distracting you
so inside you'll die

another lifeless drone
another ant in the colony
grow up 
to add to the work force
and support this fake economy
its your duty
but you know this of course

it doesn't have to be this way
you don't have to conform
you don't have to fall for their lies
you create your own norm

feel what you want to feel
see what you want to see
know in your heart
that you are totally free

let go
suspend disbelief
let your mind run free
let your soul soar away
be where you would like to be
be there every day


  1. I really like "Reality is Relative". I see you're branching out with your thinking. Being in Ireland is broadening your perspective. As my Sufi teacher, Pir Vilayat, said, "Soar above life's drama and get the bird's eye view of live."

  2. Raven - your grandmother told me about your blog - i love your poetry. i look forward to reading more!
